
So long, 2020.

Thursday, December 31, 2020


Well, here we are. Another year has come to a close; a year that many people are thrilled to see leave, for reasons I understand, but I can't fully relate. Maybe because I can be a homebody and didn’t mind staying home. ;) 

While the year certainly had its downsides, I tend to be an optimist with most things in life (ask my pessimistic husband), and so I can't help but see the good things that came from 2020. The time spent together, the relationships that needed some tweaking, focusing on the important things, good times, hard conversations. Overall, doing more together. It was good. Do I miss some of my people? Definitely. But did I spend the year with the people who matter the most to me? Also definitely.

I'm a goal setter - that isn’t new news if you’ve been here for a while. I love my Powersheets, a new year, new month, new week, new day. I am always looking for ways to improve (as much as I don't handle criticism well at times - harsh truth). I'm always looking for the good. I'm excited and hopeful for 2021. Not because I think it's a year we will see drastic changes where they matter in terms of politics, our country, our much as it pains me to admit that. But because it is what we make it, and I have every good intention to make it the best it can be.

We can only go up from here, friends. Happy early 2021 to you!

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